MultiCoder in everyday practice
Seven questions for Dr. Renate Suttner, embryologist at Kinderwunsch Centrum München (Fertility Center Munich)
MINITUBE: Dr. Suttner, you have been using our MultiCoder for direct printing on labware since January 2023. We highly appreciate that you share your experiences with us. For which laboratory items do you use the MultiCoder?DR. SUTTNER: So far, we have only used the MultiCoder for printing on labware for cryopreservation and storage. Going forward, however, we also plan to print on other labware, such as culture dishes, Petri dishes, and similar items. Before implementing that, however, we need to find the best way of integrating the new printing process into our lab workflow.
MINITUBE: How did you label above-mentioned products so far and why did you decide to use the MultiCoder?
DR. SUTTNER: Until now, we labeled both the flat cassettes and the triangular cassettes by hand. For storing frozen sperm, we are using the HS Sets while vitrification systems or individual straws for oocytes and blastocysts were labeled by a handheld label printer. Production of the corresponding labels is going to be discontinued, so we had the choice of looking for another device and other labels suitable for cryopreservation, or label the straws directly as we are doing now. In order to print on short straws for sperm cryopreservation, Minitube even developed a special carrier for the MultiCoder.
MINITUBE: What was your experience with the installation of the printer and in the start-up phase? Was it easy to get familiar with the device?
DR. SUTTNER: With the help of the enclosed stick with the printer software, the instruction manual and a setup video, the installation by our IT consultant was straightforward. Inserting the printer cartridge was a bit difficult at first, but this was quickly solved with the help of Dr. Gassner. The software manual as well as the printer instructions are well written and easy to understand.
MINITUBE: Let's take a closer look at the practical use of the MultiCoder. Where does the data come from that is printed on the labware? Do you have all the options you want when creating the print layouts in the printer software?
DR. SUTTNER: The MultiCoder has a data interface to the EMR system MedITEX. After selecting a patient in MedITEX, all data relevant for printing can be exported to the MultiCoder software by mouse click. It is then possible to select data such as name, birth date, patient ID, today´s date, etc. for printing on the cassettes or straws. There are different product carriers for various types of labware. The MultiCoder software provides corresponding templates which can be freely designed for all the containers to be labeled.
MINITUBE: How satisfied are you with the print results?
DR. SUTTNER: Compared to handwritten labeling, of course, the print is much cleaner and, above all, easily legible. In case the print resolution decreases a little bit, the cartridge nozzles can be flushed quickly and easily.
MINITUBE: What do you consider to be the "highlight" of using the MultiCoder and where do you see the particular advantages of the device?
DR. SUTTNER: The simple data import and the speed and cleanliness of printing on the lab items. Another advantage is that there is no more need for consumables such as cryo-proof labels. Last but not least, of course, it is the good readability.
MINITUBE: Have your expectations of the MultiCoder been fulfilled and would you recommend the printer to other laboratories?
DR. SUTTNER: So far, we are very satisfied, but we have not yet tested all possible applications that we had in mind. For a larger laboratory with a higher number of laboratory items to be labeled on a daily basis, it is definitely recommended.
MINITUBE: Dr. Suttner, thank you for taking the time for this interview. We wish you continued success with the MultiCoder.