Customer voices
„The Minitube Human Semen Packaging Set is a gold standard for freezing human semen as a fertility reserve. A unique, alphanumeric code on all straws of a set is securely linking the sample to the patient. It is a well-designed product that is being supplied to us in consistently high quality for years.”
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Dittrich
Clinical Embryologist (ESHRE), Reproductive Biologist (AGRBM)
Head of the IVF and Endocrinology Laboratories
Universitätsklinikum Erlangen

"I want to sincerely thank you for your support with any questions or issues we came up with throughout the year."
Dr. med. vet. Renate Suttner
Embryologist, Reproductive Biologist (AGRBM)
IVF Laboratory
Kinderwunsch Centrum München (MVZ)
"Thank you very much for your support and understanding. The service from your side was excellent!"
Dr. rer. nat. Jens Erik Dietrich
Senior Clinical Embryologist (ESHRE), Reproductive Biologist (AGRBM)
Head of the IVF Laboratory
Heidelberg University Hospital
Dr. rer. nat. Jens Erik Dietrich
Senior Clinical Embryologist (ESHRE), Reproductive Biologist (AGRBM)
Head of the IVF Laboratory
Heidelberg University Hospital